
Video Testimonials


Dear Dr Dean and FMR faculty,

I want to share with you all what happened with me today.

I see my patient to recement a provisional on #19, and after I finished he said: can we do the whitening before the final crown? I paused and was thinking 🤔 the following:

I saw this patient and did a comprehensive exam 2 weeks ago, and the old Wesam- before taking the FMR course- treatment planned him for a crown here and another there, fillings on anterior teeth, whitening even though he told me I am Interested in fixing my smile!!!

The new Wesam- after taking the FMR course, told him, to answer his question about whitening: Russell, we need to talk, let’s go to the office!

We go to the office, I show him that his shade is C2, and he is not going to benefit much from whitening, his teeth are not even and asymmetrical and he would benefit more from an indirect restorations, veneers and crowns! Showed him the incisal wear on the lower anterior teeth, explained the process of what we can do for him to help him achieve his desired smile! He agreed and coming next week for study models, pictures, face bow and treatment planning!!!

Taking this course has helped me in seeing the full picture, I have done many smile makeovers and FMRs, but used to do them when patients ASK for it and I used to never offer it as an option! It’s the same patient and now I see the possibilities of what I can do for him and give him a much better quality of life and a beautiful smile!

Thanks to you all, I have a totally different mindset. I knew this course is great but didn’t think that the ROI would be immediate, the very next day after taking the course!!!

Forever grateful🙏

Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you: Dr Wesam Shafee

Dr Wesam Shafee
Aesthetic Dentistry and Full Mouth Rehabiliation

I want to thank you for opening me up to the FMR , four day course. I enjoyed it so much and picked up so many ideas and knowledge.

When we have been practicing dentistry for a long  time, most dentists resist trying to better their skills and knowledge. We all need to advance ourselves no matter what stage of our careers we may be at. As well as accept that we should never stop learning. Your FMR course, the staff,and your leadership is a breath of fresh air that motivates all that attend.  Thanks again !!!


Dr Michael Klein
Prosthodontist NYC

Dr. Dean,

Let me start by saying, I thoroughly enjoyed the FMR course last month, and really felt like it was a paradigm shift for me.  The second day I was back I was able to identify problems in several cases I had in progress, and began moving them in the right direction.

Most gratifying was when out of the blue a colleague of mine called and asked my advice on an FMR case he had been forced to redo several times. I went to his office and sat with the patient and was able to deduce in about 10 minutes that the problem was a poorly designed occlusion with no guidance. The patient had been in pain for weeks. I spent about an hour adjusting the occlusion, and re-establishing guidance, and the next day the patient called back pain free! My friend was thrilled that I was able to help him, and now I’m guiding HIM through the steps to start fresh and make the case right.

Thank you again! I’m looking forward to coming in April to continue my training with you.

Saqib H. Mohajir, DMD
Pinewood Dental

If occlusion is something you struggle with on a daily basis, this course is for you. Course is concise, accurate, easy to understand and gives you enough understanding to do your cases confidently, whether restoring single tooth or full mouth.

The faculty is experienced and very well knowledgable on all topics presented. The course will give you inspiration and excite you to tackle more difficult cases at your office with ease. Highly recommended!!!!!!!!

Dr. Beenish Orr

Dear Dr. Dean,

It was our pleasure and honor to be part of the amazing event. I also have learned much from it and enjoyed entirely. Your vision, passion, and energy inspired me so much. I’ll always do my best to be able to give FMR programs the best supports.

We’d be proud to support the future FMR event. Again thank you for having us as part of the amazing team.

Steve Kim

Dr Dean “you really did amazing this weekend, you were in Dr. Dean zone , audience loved you and they were longing for more!!! 

I am so grateful and so proud to be by your side !! Thank you DD for actually always believing in me, pushing me, and making me wanting to become better . You are an amazing mentor and a great friend!! Your desire to make people around you to succeed is unbelievable. You push all of us out of our comfort zone and doing it gracefully😃😌

I Thank the day I met you and all my favorite people at FMR. 

Always grateful and always Love you 😍❤️”

Dr. Ellen

The FMRNYC Experience

Excellence in Dentistry

Join Dr. Dean Vafiadis and the rest of the FMR Faculty as we guide you through everything you did not learn in Dental School, including courses covering Implants, Aesthetics, Occlusion and More! Space is limited, so be sure to register today to take the next step in your dental evolution.

FMR Course Brochure All Day Digital Office


It was our pleasure and honor to be part of the amazing event. I also have learned much from it and enjoyed entirely. Your vision, passion, and energy inspired me so much. I’ll always do my best to be able to give FMR programs the best supports.

We’d be proud to support the future FMR event. Again thank you for having us as part of the amazing team.

If occlusion is something you struggle with on a daily basis, this course is for you. Course is concise, accurate, easy to understand and gives you enough understanding to do your cases confidently, whether restoring single tooth or full mouth.

The faculty is experienced and very well knowledgable on all topics presented. The course will give you inspiration and excite you to tackle more difficult cases at your office with ease. Highly recommended!!!!!!!!

I want to thank you for opening me up to the FMR, four day course. I enjoyed it so much and picked up so many ideas and knowledge.

When we have been practicing dentistry for a long time, most dentists resist trying to better their skills and knowledge. We all need to advance ourselves no matter what stage of our careers we may be at. As well as accept that we should never stop learning. Your FMR course, the staff,and your leadership is a breath of fresh air that motivates all that attend. Thanks again !!!